About Leveling the Playing Field …

About Leveling the Playing Field …

Never in the history of mankind, have we been able to take advantage of the art of communication and leverage it on a very personal level.

Never before, have we, the people, had the power to publish and get our writing, photography, graphics, design, audio or video files distributed and seen by as many people as possible as effortlessly as we can now.

It is a powerful combination – the ability to create and disseminate information and make it available instantaneously to anyone in the world who is seeking it.

And where wrongs need to be righted, we have an unprecedented ability to level the playing field by telling our side of the story.

I am a specialist in Search Engine Relevance and online reputation management and correction — two potent forces that when combined can bring stunning results.

You notice I’ve mentioned Search Engine Relevance, not Search Engine Optimization. What’s the difference? Very simply put, relevancy ranking is the way by which search engines retrieve and rank those digital documents that are most likely to be relevant to the search terms you put in.